Saturday, September 06, 2008

Liberal Hypocrisy

We all know neighbors and friends, or maybe you practice it yourself, that are tireless recyclers. You know the type of person I'm talking about - uses only recycled materials, sorts all of their recyclable items to be picked up and hopefully recycled, brings their own fabric shopping bags to go shopping. I applaud their convictions to help 'save the planet.' I recycle but I'm not as fervent as these folks.

These are the true believers in the front lines of environmentalism. The leaders of this movement, however, often do not practice what they preach. Al Gore, the godfather of environmentalism and self-proclaimed inventor of the internet, is a perfect example. Not long ago it was reported that his mansion in Tennessee uses 20 times more energy in a month than the typical home. His excuse was that he has offset his energy use and could get away with using 20% more than you and me.

Ever wonder what else he doesn't do that the rest of the true believers do? Does he recycle? He still rides from place to place in a giant SUV and a private jet - how is that good for the environment? These aren't even hybrid vehicles.

I think, upon closer scrutiny, you will find that the liberal left that espouses the environmental causes, the liberal left that wants to codify these causes into law so that you and I no longer do it as a matter of conscience but as a matter of staying out of jail, do not walk the walk. They all talk the talk but fall woefully short in the practice because that's beneath them to have to live that lifestyle.

That liberal mindset, the elitism in their ranks, isn't only relegated to to the environmental movement. You need only look as far as the recent Democratic Convention in DEnver to see what the elite of the liberal Democrats think about practicing what they preach.

The DNC Convention featured volunteers on the convention floor to direct convention-goers to the recycling receptacles. That was these volunteers sole function. After the convention adjourned, local college students had to be hired to clean up all of these recyclable items that never made it into a recycle container and estimates were that there was tons of it to be cleaned up.

I think you will find that this disregard for their espoused convictions spills over into other areas. They have spent a good deal of time claiming that they love this country and are patriotic. But in practice, I never see any evidence of that. Conviction implies that you truly believe in something when you say it and the liberals always fall short.

Case in point, following the DNC Convention, after the college students had cleaned up the refuse from the liberals, it was discovered that nearly 12,000 American flags had been discarded as trash. An enterprising campaigner for the Republicans saw this and rescued these flags for use at McCain's upcoming rally in Colorado.

So, this clearly illustrates the hypocrisy of the left. They claim to be pro-environment but they expect everyone else to actually practice it. They claim to be patriotic but they have thrown our flag out with the trash.

When you are trying to decide this election who represents your convictions best, remember that the left pays lip service to nearly everything in this election. It was Republicans that rescued the Flag from the trash and recycled them. Your choice is between hypocrisy and truth. Please choose wisely.

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