Monday, October 27, 2008

Cult Worship

It is amazing to me the parallels between the times we live in and the times that my parents lived, particularly my mother's family. We find ourselves today in the midst of a great economic and social upheaval, on the brink of making a political decision that will either sustain our constitutional republic or destroy it forever more. I realize that the repackaged and rewritten history that is taught in government-supported public schools is part of the reason that most Americans don't recognize the parallels that are plain for me to see.

The economy is in shambles. The country is weary of wars. The country has an unpopular government. A candidate emphasizes that people are frustrated and desperate. The candidate offers change and unity despite his being a polarizing figure in politics. The candidate has written autobiographies about his struggles to the top.

For the MTV generation, your perspective tells you that the person that I am talking about is Obama. But I'm not.

My mother and grandmother would tell you that I'm talking about Adolf Hitler. You see, they lived through this already. The illegimate son that came from modest means to rise to Germany's highest office, Chancellor. They've seen the movie before and they know what comes next.

Germany is the 1920's & 30's was in economical ruin. The Weimar government was unable to fix the economy which was in a large part due to the draconian edicts of the Treaty of Versailles following WWI. Many different factions sought to gain majority in German politics but one movement managed to win out by 1932.

Clever slogans, staged protests, carefully crafted messages, belligerent, "in-your-face" tactics against local government and businesses, and well-organized public rallies were the vehicles used to rise to power. The combination created a cult of personality around Adolf Hitler. Hitler could simply promise to bring change from what had already been done and the people would follow him anywhere.

He wrote "Mein Kampf," his autobiography about his struggles in his rise to national prominence and detailed his perspective of the world, how he intended to rise to power, and his blueprint for accomplishing it.

Hitler was elected Chancellor. He even managed to get the old German aristocrats to back him. Shortly after being elected by the people, Hitler remade the German government in his own image. Hitler espoused that you must tell a big lie because the people will never believe the little lie but the big lie is so unbelievable that it must be true. He also espoused that if you repeat the lie often enough, it becomes the truth.

Fast forward to 2008. We now have a candidate for President that is an illegitimate son that comes from modest means, wrote two autobiographies about his struggles, and preaches about change.

His campaign features clever slogans, cleverly crafted messages, and well-organized public rallies. His early political life as a community organizer led staged protests and belligerent "in-your-face" tactics to force government and businesses to provide preferential treatment to his core constituency. He promises change from everything that has been done before but never clearly defines what is meant by that. He claims in one TV ad that he is pro-2nd Amendment but his meager voting record (when he actually bothered to take a stand) is completely anti-2nd Amendment. He promises a tax cut to 95% of all Americans that make less than $250,000 a year but only 55% of those people pay taxes now. He promises tax credits to these people but in reality it amounts to a euphemism for welfare to people that don't pay any taxes now.

This same candidate blames the economy on the failed policies of the current administration. He wants to punish the wealthy because he claims that they have caused this and are hording the wealth from the people. Candidate Hitler blamed the Weimar government for accepting the Treaty of Versailles and continuing policies that allowed Jews to get rich on the backs of the German people. Does anyone else see the parallels?

Candidate Hitler had his own organization of low-life criminals that bullied German citizens into voting for Hitler through fear and intimidation, stuffing ballot boxes to ensure Hitler's victory. Anyone decrying the tactics were shouted down by the organization and ridiculed until their protestations were no longer heard.

Our modern candidate has his own organization working to ensure his victory. It's called ACORN and their tactics aren't much removed from those of Hitler's Brown Shirts. ACORN consists of ex-convicts and low-lifes intimidating citizens to illegally register vote multiple times and will no doubt be out in force on election day to enforce their views on the citizenry.

So, since we know how the movie ends for Hitler and the Third Reich in Germany, what can we expect to happen here after November 4? If the modern candidate wins and his party at least keeps their current majority in the legislature, we can expect change.

Change is good, right? That's what we're voting for, is change? We will get change. Expect the government to change. Expect that this newly-elected President and his cohorts in Congress to radically change the structure of our government. Expect them to silence their critics just as Hitler did to his critics. Expect them to suspend the representative republic as we know it just as Hitler did. Expect them to nationalize industry and finance, just as Hitler did. Expect them to socialize every aspect of our lives, just like Hitler did. Expect every citizen to have to show their outward allegiance to the new President, just as Hitler did. Expect this new government and the new President to take the wealth from those that earn it and give it to those that helped him rise to power, just as Hitler did.

I'm sure that the sheeple out there that have fallen for Obama's cult of personality will laugh at these comparisons and say that it can't happen here. That's what my mother's and grandmother's contemporaries in Weimar Germany thought as well. And so did the 6 million Jews that died after that - many of whom helped get Hitler elected by thinking he was just a harmless loudmouth - gave up their wealth and their lives for change they could believe in.

I'm hoping that the polls are completely wrong. I know that the Obama apparatchik is full swing and that liberal mainstream media, the elitists (not surprisingly, the Hollywood and New York Jews didn't learn anything from the Jews in Germany), and the liberal constituency is promoting the election as over but there is still time to stop the repeat of history.

You owe it to yourself, your family, and future generations to avert this disaster. Tell everyone that will listen why they should not vote for Obama's change. Send this blog post to everyone you know to keep them from making the biggest mistake this country would ever make.

If Obama is elected and we follow the path of change he promotes, who will come to our rescue the way Allied Forces did for Europe? Our last chance for survival is November 4th. Don't elect Obama.

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