Wednesday, August 12, 2009

"Now we see the violence inherent in the system...Help, help! I'm being REPRESSED!"

The quote above was the height of hilarity 30 years ago but unfortunately for we Americans, it has become the dismal reality of the thugocracy that rules our nation today. Dissent is no longer tolerated. Turning in your neighbors to the government thought police is encouraged. And speaking out at town hall meetings with our elected representatives is now met with violence from SEIU and ACORN thugs.

I wrote nearly 4 months ago about DHS compiling an enemies list and issuing a report besmirching our returning war veterans as potential domestic terrorists. Now, it has been revealed that you can email to the White House and tell them that your neighbor opposes Obamacare. If you voice your opposition to Obamacare at a townhall, you will be manhandled by either a union goon from SEIU or an ACORN member. This fellow at the left is one of the goons that attacked a dissenter in St. Louis and despite the video capturing the crime, he claims that the dissenter attacked him! "If you are going to lie to the people, tell them a big lie..."

I live in a district that has a representative that is not in favor of Obamacare so it is nearly a waste of time to attend a townhall with him because he already agrees with me. I have not been able to determine if Senator Webb has a townhall scheduled because his website is silent on the matter. Senator Warner has opted to eschew the face-to-face townhall in favor of polling, virtual townhalls via telephone, and etcetera. At least when I send in my dissenting opinion, I won't be attacked by a SEIU goon or an ACORN operative. But I welcome the confrontation.

You see, although I'm not a confrontational type of person, I'm not one to back down from a fight - especially when I know I'm right! I welcome the goons to attempt to even so much as put their hands on me because as soon as they touch me, they will die! Anyone that puts their hands on me without my implicit permission obviously means to do me harm and I will not stand idly and allow them to do so. It is my right to defend myself and their hostile actions make it necessary to defend myself. I have seen enough evidence that if I resist, they will apply more force. If I begin to defend myself, they will likely use enough to force to injure me or perhaps even kill me. Obama didn't send a bunch of little grandmas to do his bidding. He sent hulking linebackers to strike terror into dissenters. And I am not cowed by their presence.

You could say that these people who have already been roughed up by the Obamacare goons are the first victims of Obamacare. They won't be the last if the measure gets passed in any form. Obama says that it is necessary to save the American economy. That's bullshit! His Obamacare would be a greater drag on the economy than the current system. But he can't waste a good crisis...

If Obama is willing to use third party enforcers to push his health care agenda, what else can we expect when he's pushing the other radical parts of his agenda? We already know that the Card Check bill will encodify exactly this type of behavior on the part of the unions and Obama favors Card Check. And yet the sheeple elected him! Now, he's pushing a healthcare plan that will leave some elderly with only painkillers to soothe their ailments because the cost-benefit analysis will say that it isn't worth the expense of surgery to fix their ailments. That's not a fabrication or a stretch. That came right out of the mouth of Barack Hussein Obama in an interview.

What needs to come out in these townhalls is this: the 47 million uninsured Americans is a fabrication. First, illegal aliens are included in the 47 million. They don't belong here in the first place. Instead of spending money to insure them, use the money to get them the hell out of our country. They are here ILLEGALLY! Don't reward bad behavior. So, away with 10 million right there.

Second, don't include those that have the option to get health care coverage through their employer but choose not to. These people are unwilling to pay the small stipend each paycheck to get coverage that is available so they can spend it on big screen TV's, bigger houses, nicer cars, etcetera. Why should I have to pay for this idiot's healthcare coverage? Who's being greedy here? He keeps his money and gets me to pay for his coverage? Granted, that's genius if you pull it off but it ain't right. Gone are now another 17 million from this fraudulent number.

So here we are at 20 million uninsured. But some of that 20 million are already receiving government health care benefits. Oops. There went another 10 million "uninsured." So, truthfully, there are around 10 million uninsured Americans out there. In other words, less than 3 1/2 percent of the population.

So, in essence, this "crisis" is not a crisis at all. 3 1/2 percent does not a crisis make. Wake up and pay attention! Your freedoms are being taken away along with your hard earned wages to address a crisis that doesn't exist. And if you're aware of it, wake up your neighbor or the nearest sheeple you know. Before it's too late.

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