Monday, January 17, 2011


Yes, I am back and I’m going to be blogging more frequently. I’ve been very busy behind the scenes the past two years. Regardless, I am back and plan on blogging more regularly.

Yesterday, I ranted about the Left’s attacks on Conservatives for something the Conservatives had nothing to do with. Which brings me to today’s development – the seating at the State of the Union address.

Apparently, in an effort to promote civility, the Democrats and the Republicans are going to be comingled at the State of the Union address. Normally, the two parties are segregated at the address.

What a nice gesture. Let’s all sit together and sing Kumbaya and be civil. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!!! The Republicans, who just won a huge margin in Congress, are going let the Democrats dictate the rules of civility? Agreeing to this charade of civility is tantamount to an admission of complicity in last week’s shooting!

This is what I fear from supposedly Conservative Republicans. They are spineless when confronted by rabid Leftist Democrats. All of the week long efforts to connect Conservatives to last weekend’s deadly shooting were just about to be put to rest as the myth it was and now the spineless Republicans have agreed to this change in the traditional seating arrangement at the State of the Union in the name of civility.

You can just feel the momentum leaving the party, can’t you? Letting the Democrats set the debate and the terms of the debate is not what the American people sent these spineless Republicans to Washington to do.

If Conservatives continue to allow the Statists and the mainstream media frame each debate, they will end up as the minority party again. I despise symbolism over substance. I fear that this is a bellwether of things to come and this Congress will become ineffective and not accomplish the mandate that it was given by the American people.

The one thing (the only thing) that I do admire about the Left is that they never waver from their convictions. They never take their eyes off the ball. They went in with the intent to pass healthcare legislation and, despite the tidal wave of disapproval by the American people, they passed it anyway. But that was their prime objective and they got it done despite pressure to let it go. The Republicans, on the other hand, appear to have no such resolve and seem to be eager to be liked by everyone. Which, by the way, is never going to happen.

If steadfast conviction led to the Democrats’ defeat last November, the Republicans’ lack of convictions will sink them in 2012. This nation doesn’t have time for popularity contests. A lot of damage was done in the past 2 years that needs to be undone and having a party with no backbone is not the answer.

Stop allowing the Left to dictate the debate. Yeah, they have willing accomplices in the media but the American people have become immune to the CBS/ABC/NBC/CNN agenda and expect Republicans to get the job done that they were sent to do. When the Left makes ridiculously false assertions as they have the past week, call them on it and move on. Don’t continue to entertain these falsehoods and get trapped in a never-ending cycle of defending yourself against trivialities. Go on the offensive! Don’t apologize! (The words ‘I’m sorry’ aren’t in Nancy Pelosi’s vocabulary.)

Frame the debate. The shooting has nothing to do with political rhetoric and the surest way to prove it is to kick the rhetoric up several notches. There won’t be a sudden wave of violence as a result because there is no connection. Stay on the offensive. Stop holding hands with the Democrats unless you’ve got them in a full Nelson.

Ridicule the Left. Point out the fallacies of their arguments. Don’t resort to namecalling but call them out on everything they say and attack it. Then step away. Move to the next target. Make the Left spend all of its energy refuting your attacks on their agenda. Be a political sniper. A sniper engages his target and then moves to prevent being detected and neutralized. The sniper then takes another well-hidden position and engages his next target and moves again. The Left cannot counter if the debate moves to new topics.

A savvy political sniper will choose his targets carefully and never reveal himself. In other words, he will choose the venue that he will take out his opponent and not allow himself to cornered. If there are talking head shows that are hostile to our political snipers, we avoid exposure there. We dictate the venue and conditions and thereby control the debate. Engage one target and move on. Do not attempt to engage more topics than that. Leftists will always engage as a group by a political sniper can neutralize both by simply engaging the intended target and moving. The remaining Leftists will have to tend to their ‘wounded’ compatriot.

So, let me spell it out in less allegorical terms – don’t appear on ‘Meet the Press’ and such shows unless you control the terms. There are new and better ways to get your message out than sitting in front of a Leftist firing squad, awaiting your demise. Use the internet. Post your statement on YouTube. On Facebook. On any number of available outlets where you control the battlespace.

Pick your target/topic and stick to it. The David-Gregorys of the world will eventually shut up and go away when they can’t get fresh meat on their shows and you will deny them that fresh meat by using the new battlespace and picking your target. Engage and move. Engage and move. One by one, these targets will fall and the Left will be scrambling for cover. But I’m wasting my breath. What I have seen so far of the new Republican congress is that they are spineless and doomed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

By the way, I did use military terms for this post. I guess that makes me complicit in the shooting last weekend as well because I’m advocating “targeting” and “sniping.” When I post, I control the debate, not the Left. If the Left wants to debate me, meet me here, on my terms, in my venue. I am a political sniper and I will prevail in the battle of ideas because I am right and I am engaged.

Be afraid, Leftists. Be very afraid.

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