Thursday, April 17, 2008

Clinging to Sniper Fire, Religion, Guns, and Outright Lies

Watching Hillary Clinton fight for her political life has been thoroughly entertaining. Barack Obama, aka Obama bin Laden here at the Sniper's Nest, nearly handed her the race with his ties to anti-America Jeremiah Wright. But Hillary's propensity, for that matter, the Clinton legacy of pathological lying saved the day for Obama-nation. 10 years ago, a whopper like the one Hillary told about Tuzla would have never been challenged in the media. Thanks to the blogosphere, lying politicians no longer can fabricate untruths and get the unwavering "wink-wink-nudge-nudge" from the press.

But then, Obama-nation let fly his true beliefs when he was addressing his comrades in San Francisco regarding all of us that live in flyover country. The folks in small town Pennsylvania are bitter so they cling to their guns and their religion and by extension, the rest of us in flyover country are as well.

Hillary jumped on the opportunity to call out Obama bin Laden for being an elitist. After all, it takes one to know one, but the sad thing for Hillary is that mental illness she shares with husband that causes one to lie. The would-be Army recruit made some ridiculous statement to the effect that she is pro-2nd Amendment and pro-religion and when someone asked her point blank when the last time was that she had shot a gun or attended church, she said that it was irrelevant. Hillary's more likely to attend a Jeremiah Wright sermon than hold a firearm in her hand. Once again, the momentum Hillary could have gained from another Obama-nation misstep was lost.

Flash forward to last night's debate. Hillary again addresses the gun rights issue since the moderators wanted to talk about the anniversary of the VT massacre. Clinton says she respects the 2nd Amendment and the right for gun owners have guns and use them but it's all about finding the right equation. As creative as the Clintons have always been with reality, my guess is that the equation will be a zero sum and the negative will be that there can be no guns. Obama, on the other hand, claims that we need to figure out what is working with regard to gun control measures and that he's never favored an all-out ban on handguns. That's interesting since his voting record in Illinois indicates otherwise. He stated:
"I believe that the Constitution confers an individual right to bear arms. But just because you have an individual right does not mean that the state or local government can't constrain the exercise of that right."
There's two things to note here. First, the Constitution does not confer the rights of the individual. It spells out a endowment by our Creator so that the government and the states and the localities cannot make any law that abridges that right. The second is that his statement about the government being able to constrain any right is totally unconstitutional! That statement alone should be enough to disqualify him for public office.

Now, I'm not defending Hillary, not in any fashion, because I believe that she abhors those of us that live in flyover country and that she is a despicable person in that she will do and say anything to get elected. But, I still find disturbing the amount of adoration that continues to be bestowed upon Obama-nation despite the gaffes that have been percolating out of his shiny, detailed exterior. I've thought he was a turd from the beginning and despite the fact that he's all polished on the outside, a turd is still a turd. You break the crust on a polished turd and it smells just as bad as any other turd.

While I'm still not a fan of Sen. McCain, he at least hasn't resorted to fabricating accounts about dodging bullets on diplomatic missions or hasn't belonged to a church that advocates the demise of the USA, Israel, and white people or made any truly elitist comments. I don't think John McCain is the best candidate for the Presidency but he's lucky that either of his upcoming opponents are even worse. The only thing I see derailing a McCain presidency at this point is McCain blowing his VP pick. If he picks Romney, Guiliani, or Lieberman, he will lose in November. His best bets are Gov. Mark Sanford of South Carolina, Gov. Charlie Crist of Florida, Gov. Haley Barbour of Mississippi, Gov. Bob Riley of Alabama, Sen. Fred Thompson of Tennessee, or Gov. Mike Huckabee of Arkansas. You'll notice that these are all states south of the Mason-Dixon and in flyover country. No Republican has won a presidential election in the last 20 years without carrying the South and no one has won the presidency since 1960 without having first served in an executive branch of government at the federal level or state level. McCain should pick a Southern governor to draw on that strength because he can't do it without the South.

Besides, regardless of McCain's sorry record on the 2nd Amendment, he will have something on the ticket that clings to guns and religion like the rest of us bitter folks in flyover country. And that's something that Obama and Clinton won't have no matter who they pick for their tickets.

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