Monday, April 28, 2008

A Stimulating Post

Today, many Americans will begin receiving the government economic stimulus rebate. This rebate is a return of some of the money that the governement has collected from your income. The thought by the politicos is that if they return some of your income tax, that you will spend it and thereby "stimulate" the economy.

Here's a thought - maybe I'm naive - what if the government returned all of our income that they've confiscated? If $600 a person will boost the economy, what would a total refund of all confiscated wealth do for the economy? To borrow a line from Austin Powers, "the sheer mechanics are mind-boggling!"

Look it up - look at what the government economists are predicting as a result of the stimulus package - they estimate that 130 million households will receive the rebate. If we only assume that each household gets the minimum of $600, that's $78 BILLION back in private citizens hands. Because some households will receive more, $78 billion is on the conservative side. This is expected to help turn the economy around.

Of course, all of this is predicated on the Treasury not printing more money, which is the largest culprit in the devaluation of the dollar and the rise of petroleum prices for us. But imagine for a moment that our government wises up and stops printing dollars. And that it gets even wiser by throwing out our current confiscatory tax system and adopts a national sales tax to replace it. In 2007, the IRS collected $2.7 TRILLION in income taxes (this includes all forms of tax on wealth.) In other words, if we dumped the present system, we could potentially increase the effects of the stimulus 34-fold!

I invite you to read about the FairTax at to learn more about 86-ing our current broken system and adopting a national sales tax that will revitalize our economy and return the US to its rightful place as world leader in finance and business.

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