Friday, July 04, 2008

God Bless Americans on this 4th of July

Abby Spangler, founder of Protest Easy Guns, stated to the Washington Post the other day in reference to the VT massacre:
"I knew nothing about gun laws and gun control before this happened. Zero," she said. Now, she is a fountain of statistics, data and arguments and counter-arguments on all facets of gun control. Now, she says things such as, "There is a continuing calamity of Titanic proportions, and we Americans need to right the ship" and "What's the point of us teaching our little Johnnies and Janes to be good people and allow them to walk in the streets with criminals who have easy access to guns? We might as well be throwing them into a tank of sharks."
Ms. Spangler, you are so close to the answer, you can't see it! 232 years ago, our forefathers sought to throw off the shackles of British rule over our daily lives. The only way to accomplish this was through armed revolt after declaring our independence from Great Britain. We were able to assert our independence only because we were armed. Now, 232 years later, we beseech our government to step in and reassert the role that Great Britain had held because we have a subculture in this country that fear firearms.

The answer that stares back at you, Ms. Spangler, isn't that guns are too easy for criminals to obtain. The answer is that our little Johnnies and Janes are forced to walk the streets with criminals at all. It is the criminals who are at fault, not the firearms. And ultimately, our government is to blame for allowing these criminals to walk amongst us. Throughout the history of our great nation, firearms have been a part of our heritage and it has only been in the last half of the 20th century that the irrational fear of all things firearms has begun to grip our nation. Our violent crime rates in urban areas did not come as a result of too many firearms. It came because of draconian laws that forbid the possession of firearms.

Furthermore, the doctrine of rehabilitating violent criminals had also began to rise in the last half of the century. Ask the family of Brooke Bennett what they think about letting violent criminals out of jail. It wasn't a gun that killed young Brooke. The early reports stated she was killed by asphyxiation.

As we celebrate our freedom and independence today, Ms. Spangler, you need to ask yourself where we would be today if our forefathers had not had easy access to firearms. You also need to ask our government why, despite over 50 years of gun control measures, that the violent crime rates continue to climb. As I said, the answer is staring you right in the face.

It's not about easy access to guns. It's about easy access to criminals. Less criminals, less crime. God bless America - because Ms. Spangler is doing everything she can to damn us all.

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