Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Making the World Safe for Obama

Obama was quoted as saying
"As long as nuclear weapons exist, we'll retain a strong deterrent. But we will make the goal of eliminating all nuclear weapons a central element in our nuclear policy."
Sounds alot this:
"With that kind of vision to sustain us, we must now complete the work of ratifying this treaty, a major step in the limitation of nuclear weapons and a major step toward world peace. And then we may turn our energies not only to further progress along that path but also more urgently to our own domestic agenda in the knowledge that we have strengthened the security of a nation which we love and also strengthened peace for all the world."
That was Jimmy Carter nearly 30 years ago and we already know how that turned out. Thank God Ronald Reagan came along to clean up Mr. Carter's messes. The Russians never took the SALT II treaty seriously but Carter did and made sure that the US abided by the terms but never enforced the Russians' terms. It amounted to nothing more than unilateral disarmament of the US. Fast forward to the 1990's.

In 1993, North Korea quits the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty amid suspicions that it is developing nuclear weapons. The Clinton Administration signs an agreement in 1994 (brokered by none other than disarmament guru, Jimmy Carter) that North Korea pledges to freeze and eventually dismantle its nuclear weapons program in exchange for international aid to build two power-producing nuclear reactors. There are no means for physical verification of North Korea's compliance with the agreement.

Fast forward to this decade. In 2006, North Korea successfully tested its nuclear bomb. Now, we have a candidate that again wants the US to disarm unilaterally. Why would anyone want to duplicate the same failed policies of the past 30-plus years when the outcome never changes regardless of who is President? Reagan stared the Soviets down, escalated our arms programs and forced the Soviets to try to keep up. They couldn't and as a result folded. Now, with North Korea, Pakistan, and likely Iran joining the nuclear powers, we don't need to start disarming ourselves.

The sane approach is to bolster our nuclear arsenal, not dismantle it. If Iran wants the bomb, ask them where they want and we'll personally deliver it. Pyongyang wants a bomb, airlift one to them. It's the same premise that reasoning minds seem to grasp with regard to gun control. If you disarm everyone, then only the criminals, or in the case of nations, the rogue states will be armed. Do you think that the North Koreans or the Iranians value human life as much as we do? Do the criminals value their victims' lives? NO!

Once again, Obama lives in a fantasy world. He paints with broad brushes and talks about hope and change and provides little in the way of details. The only change he seems to be serious about is his specific positions on issues, depending upon what crowd he is addressing on what day. I have a feeling that the hope he speaks of is that whatever policies he ends up instituting, he hopes it works.

History is not on his side. The Woodrow Wilsons, the Neville Chamberlains, the Jimmy Carters, and the Bill Clintons in modern history have shown that the only thing that belligerent nations understand is threat of overwhelming force. The despots of today are no different than the despots of yesteryear. Sure, we face an enemy that is willing to commit suicide in order to kill as many Americans as possible but ideologically, even their leaders know that it would be Pyhrric victory to trade one-for-one in battle. There would be no left to follow their ideology.

The goal of our enemies is to play upon our civilities. We as Americans don't seem to exhibit the same resolve that our enemies do. We are insulated from the vagaries of war in our daily lives but for the news media's daily gleeful body counts. Just remember that our enemies are emboldened by these body counts as much as we are demoralized. If we remind our enemies that we will avenge every American life with hundreds of theirs, they will be the ones who are demoralized.

Which brings us back to nuclear disarmament. If we go back to the old unilateral disarmament policy, we embolden those who seek these weapons and we shall become their victims. If we take action against these nations that seek nuclear weapons, then they will fall back in line. The sooner we take action, the less likelihood of the spread of the nuclear cancer on this planet. Unfortunately, Obama and the other cast of idiots can't grasp this notion and we will eventually become victims in the dark alleys of the Earth.

Perhaps, much like the mantra of the gun-grabbers about common-sense gun control, Obama wants to make the world safe for our enemies through common-sense disarmament of us all. God help us all. While he still can.

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