Thursday, July 17, 2008

Queensryche's "Revolution Calling"

Queensryche, one of my favorite bands, released a rock opera in 1988 titled "Operation Mindcrime." The title itself is Orwellian in its Newspeak-esque fusion. Here we sit 20 years later and much of the album is still applicable to our place in time today. In particular, the track entitled "Revolution Calling" is poignant at this juncture of our nation's history.
For a price I'd do about anything
Except pull the trigger
For that I'd need a pretty good cause
Then I heard of Dr. X
The man with the cure
Just watch the television
Yeah, you'll see there's something going on

Got no love for politicians
Or that crazy scene in D.C.
It's just a power mad town
But the time is ripe for changes
There's a growing feeling
That taking a chance on a new kind of vision is due

I used to trust the media
To tell me the truth, tell us the truth
But now I've seen the payoffs
Everywhere I look
Who do you trust when everyone's a crook?

Revolution calling
Revolution calling
Revolution calling you
[There's a] Revolution calling
Revolution calling
Gotta make a change
Gotta push, gotta push it on through

I'm tired of all this bullshit
They keep selling me on T.V.
About the communist plan
And all the shady preachers
Begging for my cash
Swiss bank accounts while giving their
Secretaries the slam

They're all in Penthouse now
Or Playboy magazine, million dollar stories to tell
I guess Warhol wasn't wrong
Fame fifteen minutes long
Everyone's using everybody, making the sale

I used to think
That only America's way, way was right
But now the holy dollar rules everybody's lives
Gotta make a million doesn't matter who dies

Revolution calling
Revolution calling
Revolution calling you
[There's a] Revolution calling
Revolution calling
Gotta make a change
Gotta push, gotta push it on through

I used to trust the media
To tell me the truth, tell us the truth
But now I've seen the payoffs
Everywhere I look
Who do you trust when everyone's a crook?

Revolution calling
Revolution calling
Revolution calling you
[There's a] Revolution calling
Revolution calling
Gotta make a change
Gotta push, gotta push it on through
Thought provoking and foreshadowing, isn't it? Hard to believe that this was written 20 years ago and seems to capture what we are experiencing today.

Perhaps it's time we heed the call. We can't rely on Washington anymore especially since the current presidential race is so devoid of any leaders (Obama? McCain? Give me a break!)

I'm not advocating a call to arms. I'm advocating a revolution to return us to the Constitutional Republic that we once were, where the people were sovereign and the government served at our pleasure, not the other way around, as it does today. What happened to us? How did we allow this to happen?

Like the song says above, the media paints a picture for us and we buy it. The politicians are all prostituting themselves to the highest bidder and no longer care about the average citizen, until election time, when it becomes a never-ending barrage of promises and vote-buying schemes.

We have to take it back and start over. There's a Revolution Calling...

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