Saturday, August 30, 2008

Now for Change I Can Believe In

I've been waiting patiently for something to excite me about this presidential campaign. I've been trying to find an alternative to McCain because I felt he was not the best we have to offer this country and certainly that Obama, despite his claim to not being the traditional politician, was business as usual for the leftists in this country. I like Bob Barr, the Libertarian candidate, but he's got no shot at all. The way things were going, it appeared that I might do something I've never done since I was able to vote: stay home.

Yeah, by staying home, I would likely by default help elect Barack Obama. And by staying home, I would also lose my right to complain about the policies enacted by whoever won.

But then it happened. Friday, 29 August, on John McCain's birthday, he unveiled his gift to all of us conservatives, Sarah Palin of Alaska. Sarah is a God-fearing, gun-toting, ethical politician that strongly represents all of us that Obama said were bitterly clinging to our guns and religion. Despite her lack of foreign policy experience, she has more executive experience than Obama, Biden, or McCain possess.

This, Sen. Obama, is change I can believe in. A strong woman who talks the talk and walks the walks. She has been an agent of reform her entire political career. Someone who actually has a real record of producing change for the better. Where is Obama's record showing he has changed anything for better or worse?

In 4 years in the US Senate, Sen. Obama has been running for President for half of them. Is that what the people of Illinois elected him to do? Is the change he speaks of just a change of job description?

No, Gov. Palin is the ray of hope in this election that has finally gotten me excited about November and the next four years. No longer can the Democrats attempt to lay claim to the party of diversity. They had an opportunity to put forth a ticket that featured a minority and a woman and they went with the career politician who spent the last forty years inside the beltway.

McCain got this right and got it right in such a huge way that I can finally state unequivocably that I will pull the lever for the Republican ticket in November. The best part is knowing that with Gov. Palin on the ticket, she will be the conservative standard bearer beyond this election and potentially into the end of the next decade.

Did I mention that I'm excited?

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