Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Don't Give Up - We're Behind You, Sarah!

Another day and another news cycle of vicious attacks against Sarah Palin and her family. The leftist media has no moral compass nor ethics whatsoever. The same slimebags that defended Bill Clinton for having an extramarital affair with an employee are lambasting Gov. Palin for her daughter's pregnancy.

I could tell on Friday that the liberal mainstream media was scared to death at what McCain had unleashed upon Obama's ascension to the presidency. The initial response from Obama's campaign immediately attacked Gov. Palin's experience, which is fair game since that is political. But shortly thereafter, the left went pouring into tiny Wasilla looking for dirt.

Instead of real journalism and real fact-finding, these derelicts began concocting a story that Gov. Palin's 16 year old daughter was really the mother of Gov. Palin's baby born in April and that the governor claimed it was her own to hide her daughter's pregnancy. It was already posted on the internet over the holiday weekend by the Daily Kos as if it were fact.

Now, since Monday's revelation by the Palin family that her 17 year old daughter is pregnant and engaged to the father of the teen's unborn child, the left has turned its attack machine on to Bristol Palin. This teenage girl didn't ask to be put in this spotlight and yet the liberal media has abused her for political gain. If there ever was a case of abuse of freedom of the press, this is it. Despite Sen. Obama's statement yesterday that the families of candidates, particularly the children, should be off-limits, the attacks continue.

Most people in Sarah Palin's shoes would probably say enough is enough and turn tail. And I wouldn't blame Gov. Palin for a moment for doing so, knowing the pain that these yellow journalists are inflicting on this family. But I want Sarah Palin and her family to know this - we conservatives back her completely. She has a record as a fighter and a fighter for what is right regardless of the odds. She didn't back down from big oil, from the Alaskan Republican Party, and she sure as hell isn't going to back down from the spineless leftist media.

I urge everyone to write to the editor of your local paper and tell them that you're mad as hell about the media's double standards and their treatment of Sarah Palin and her family and you're not going to take it anymore! Tell them you're sick of the media falling over itself defending the likes of a president caught with his pants down with a subordinate but viciously attacking a pregnant teenager. You're tired of the media making up stories to defend the actions of the Bill Clintons, the Jesse Jacksons, the Ted Kennedys, et al. What does Bristol Palin have to do with the presidential race? If Ted Kennedy murdering a girl in his car has no bearing on his being a Senator, or Bill Clinton's pecadilloes are a private matter, why is Bristol Palin's pregnancy a political issue in this campaign?

Furthermore, in case you missed it on the nightly news (because it wasn't broadcast), the DNC leaked the opposition research documents on Sarah Palin, just like they did on Michael Steele, to the media. So Gov. Palin's home phone number and social security number are out there and available to anyone wanting to steal her personal information. Where does this end? No one was ever charged or convicted when the Dems did this Steele. No one will likely be charged or convicted as a result of this illegal disclosure.

Gov. Palin, the only reason the Democrats and their tasteless minions in the media are doing this to you is that they are scared to death by you. Before you were announced as the VP on McCain's ticket, they knew that Barack Obama was going to get elected this November. That's been plain for months now. But they never counted on facing a strong, conservative woman with a track record of reform and executive experience.

They know that there are some women out there that will vote for you simply because you are a woman just like there are certain constituencies out there that will vote for Obama simply because he is black and some constituencies that will not vote for Obama simply because he is black. That's the nature of this political beast and that will never change. But young women and young moms typically vote Democratic because of the perception that Democrats are the party of women. And in this election, it just isn't so.

Whether Hillary Clinton should have been selected as Obama's running mate is moot because she wasn't and there are alot of women out there that probably still would have voted for Obama had you not showed up on the McCain ticket. The reality is that those women, who are not issue-driven voters, will vote for McCain-Palin in November. Glad to have them on board.

The most frightening thing for the Obama campaign and the leftist media is that you are much more than the former beauty queen from Alaska. You have energized the conservative base of the Republican Party in ways that Sen. McCain could never do alone. Obama was counting on not just a huge turnout from his base constituency in November - he was counting on the conservative base to stay home in November. And that base would likely not have shown up this November if not for you.

If it sounds like I'm pleading a case, I am. I'm asking you, Sarah Palin, to continue to be the bare-knuckled fighter you have been your entire career and not let the onslaught of the Left upon you and your family wear you down and make you quit. That's why the Left is attacking you so hard - because you are the game-changer - you are their worst nightmare.

Sarah, I've got your back. To steal a line from our favorite band, Van Halen, "Come baby, finish what ya started!"

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