Saturday, April 25, 2009

Bring on the Jackbooted Thugs

Well, how prophetic and predictable can things be? Is it really any wonder that following the ridiculed and belittled Tea Parties on 15 April that the Department of Homeland Security has issued its proclamation that right-wing domestic terrorists are on the rise and will be thoroughly eliminated?

Secretary Napolitano can't name any of the groups because they are "too numerous" but these groups are actively recruiting our returning war veterans. Really? I wonder what groups Obersturmfuhrer Janet is referring to? And what measures is her department taking? Are all of us outspoken conservatives going wind up on the enemies list?

All of you brain-dead Obama voters take heed - you bought into the fabrication that this is what the Bush Administration was doing with the FISA and Homeland Security laws but that administration was only targeting non-citizens. Napolitano is targeting Americans. And what qualifies one to be scrutinized, one wonders? Especially given that our returning patriots are being labelled as potential terrorists.

It is no accident that this report comes out after the Tea Parties were so successful. While the administration is out schmoozing with every detestable dictator it can find, here at home, it rattles the saber to thwart the popular tax revolt. As I've said many times before, history is so predictable that failure to know one's history is always fatal. None of of this should come as a surprise - charismatic dictators always find a means and an excuse to go after the groups that oppose them. Obama came to town in the same fashion as his dictatorial predecessors - Lenin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, et al - and he will RULE in same fashion. That means the dissenters, in this case, the Tea Parties, will be given a suitable malicious identification and dealt with accordingly.

Remember that Obama's government is one that believes in thought crimes as well, so even if you weren't at the Tea Parties and captured on surveillance on 15 April, your empathy with the cause is duly noted in your conversations, emails, posts, text messages, etc., courtesy of the DHS and Ms. Napolitano. And because "Tea Party" sounds so benign, this whole business about "nameless" right-wing extremist groups has to be paraded out there for public consumption to make a good show of the whole, un-Constitutional effort. Hence, I am on the list by virtue of my words, my firearms ownership, my ammunition purchases, my book purchases, my library accounts, my education, my employment status, my political affiliation, my race, my religion, my gender, my age. You are now on the list because you are reading my words and possibly share all or some of the same traits and characteristics I described above. And you are on the list automatically if you are a member of our all-volunteer military because as any good leftist/liberal knows, no one but a right-wing extremist would volunteer to defend his country.

Welcome to the new 1936, comrades. The ACORN members in their brown shirts and jack boots will take you to be re-educated and re-assimilated into society. If that doesn't work or ACORN can't get you, then one of the other paramilitary police agencies within the government will assist you with your "enlightenment."

Remember Waco? Ruby Ridge? These people were not breaking any laws. These people just wanted to be left alone to live their lives without government interference. Why did the Branch Davidians arm themselves? Because they feared the government attacking them with brute force. Of which the government obliged. Ruby Ridge? Randy Weaver and his family were weary of the direction our society had taken and moved to the middle of nowhere to get away from the crime, the government intrusions, and increasingly God-less behaviors of our urban culture. What he got was government scrutiny, entrapment, and then the loss of his family. Why? Because he was labelled a WHITE SEPARATIST. So, Randy Weaver's first crime was that of being caught WHITE. Second, his crime was that he refused to live amongst the rest of society. Of course, the tidy moniker of WHITE SEPARATIST bears a strong resemblance to the moniker WHITE SUPREMACIST, of which, the government makes no distinction. In the eyes of the leftist, the distinction is irrelevant. The label is equally bad.

Soon, I would expect, we will witness yet another such sad episode in which law-abiding Americans will be persecuted by the government for noncompliance with the program. Someone, some group, will be made an example of and it will be broadcast right into your living rooms to remind you that Obama the Messiah expects obedience from his subjects.

I know that with each keystroke, Janet Napolitano's boxer shorts are getting wet with anticipation. Another check beside my name. That's fine. Keep tabs on me - I haven't done anything wrong. I'm exercising my free speech just like William Ayers, the real anti-American domestic terrorist and adviser to the President. I'm exercising my right to express my opinions the same as Reverend Jeremiah Wright in his anti-white, anti-Semitic, anti-American sermons. The only difference is that my rants are against those that abrogate the Constitution and those that seek to make us all subjects instead of citizens.

I haven't advocated violence. I haven't advocated the overthrow of the government. But I'm probably a domestic terrorist because I dissent. But one thing I'm sure of - if they decide to get me, they'll make sure I don't live to tell the tale.

1 comment:

Sniper said...

That was April. Now, here we are in August, and Obama has sent ACORN and SEIU to strong-arm Obamacare dissenters at townhalls nationwide and set up an email address ( to report your neighbors for espousing opposition to Obamacare. We can't all be sheep, can we? At what point does the average American finally wake up and see that we have elected our own version of Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, and Pol Pot? I think the tipping has been reached or is within sight. I hope that we don't wait until it's too late.